Complete Solutions for Capturing & Recovering Anesthetic Waste

Where’s Your Vented Anesthetic Waste Going?
During clinical use, only less than 5% of inhalation anesthetic used for surgeries general anesthesia is metabolized by the patient. Subject to minor losses in the recovery room and undesired incidental leaks in the Operating Room, a vast majority of the remaining 95% is expelled unabated into the near-by environment via hospital’s ventilation system.
These gases are recognized as health and occupational hazard in the OR and when released into the atmosphere become aggressive GHGs, harmful to the environment and public health.
Which has led us at Focus Healthcare Products to partner with Blue-Zone™️ to bring this service to the U.S. Another great partnership, and one that brings two new products and services into in our Sustainable Technologies portfolio that can help healthcare facilities on their route to sustainability and develop circular operations.
Blue-Zone™️ specializes in Cradle-to-Cradle stewardship which falls directly in line with our vision of Eco-Smart healthcare. Taking the emissions from anesthetic exhaust and then reprocessing it into generic anesthesia that can be re-sold, a truly circular model.
Contact us today at 412-760-0034 or complete the form to learn more about how we can provide your operating room the ability to capture and recover emissions from anesthetics.
Global Emissions of Hydrofluorocarbon (HCF)

A portable canister for anesthetic collection installed in-line with the anesthetic gas machine exhaust. No retrofitting required, Deltasorb™️ is seamlessly installed and provides an “out of the box” solution to a long-ignored problem.
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A simple system integration add-on to existing central WAGD or AGSS systems with limited retrofits required. This service can be installed into multiple Operating Rooms within a hospital and all anesthesia waste funnels to central collection cylinders.
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Blue-Zone™️, Deltasorb™️, and Centralsorb™️ are trademarks of Blue-Zone™️ Technologies Ltd., used under license.
Waste anesthetic gases have significant impact on climate change and are expected to double over the next decade.
Vented anesthetic gases are toxic and potentially lethal when inhaled.
95% of delivered anesthetic gases from hospital Operating Rooms are vented outdoors.
Capture Toxic Greenhouse Gases & Protect Your Community Today

*generic branded drug pending regulatory approvals*